Our partners ITENE and CSCP visited SCALIBUR’s pilot cities in Madrid (ES) and Kozani (GR). The sustainable waste management journey is advancing very well!
NEWS FROM MADRID – 9th September 2021

The visit to the Madrid council was the occasion to take a tour of the ‘Las Dehesas’ biowaste treatment plant, operated by Aqualia (FCC).

The tour also included a technical introduction to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) prototype system developed by IRIS, which aims at monitoring the quality of biowaste in real-time.
For more information about Madrid biowaste sorting monitoring system, access the presentation here.
NEWS FROM KOZANI – 13th & 14th September 2021

ITENE’s visit in Kozani started by a presentation of SCALIBUR advances in Kozani to the Major in a meeting in Kozani Council.

The main purpose of the visit was to install the biowaste degradation monitoring sensors, developed within the SCALIBUR project.
A workshop was also organised to explain the functioning of the sensors and the related platform.
Clube and local council representatives were involved in the visit and installation.
But what are those sensors? They are devices installed in containers to monitor the status of the organic waste (i.e fill level; biowaste gas generations, temperature, inter alia) and assess the level of degradation. The sensors are combined with a Cloud Platform, which allows waste managers to prioritise containers for collection and therefore ensure biorefineries receive a high and constant feedstock quality! More about the sensors and the Platform here and here.

Finally, the first trials were carried out with the local waste manager Diadyma, to validate the system.
Containers are now put in place in Kozani streets and ITENE, Diadyma and Clube are working together within this pilot in our Greek city!
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