Our Urban Circular Bioeconomy webinar series, exploring the current state of the art in Europe along the value chain from collection to valorisation was a big success! Fruitful discussion around business and policy issues relevant for the development of urban bioeconomies across Europe tool place with 30 experts and 500 attendees.
If you missed it, you can access the recordings online through the below links, as well as the presentations.
Webinar 1: Selective collection of urban biowaste

Presentations :
* ITENE – Biowaste collection strategies
* City of Lund – Selective collection of biowaste in Lund
* Murcia City Council – Involvement of Murcia in Circular Economy Projects
* Ferrovial – Selective collection of urban biowaste in Murcia
Webinar 2: Stakeholder engagement & citizen awareness

*BIR – Citizen engagement & awareness in Bergen
* CSCP – Stakeholder engagement & citizen awareness in the biowaste value chain
* CluBE – Stakeholder Engagement in Kozani and the Region of Western Macedonia
* IMEC-smit, VUB – Behaviour change for the bioeconomy
Webinar 3: Technologies for urban biowaste and wastewater valorisation

* PERSEO Biotechnology – Development and Engineering of Biotechnological Processes for Waste Valorization
* Aqualia – Converting wastewater treatment plants into biofactories
* CENER – Circular Urban Biorefinery Concept
* CETENMA – The HOOP project
¨* TUC – Utilisation of sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plant as agricultural product – Biochar production
* Unibio – Scalable technology that provides protein in large quantities with a small footprint
Webinar 4: New business models

* RdA Climate Solutions – How do investors see innovative circular projects?
* DRAXIS – New circular business models
* BIR – New business models in the Bergen region
Webinar 5: Safety and acceptance of biobased products

* GAIKER – Methods for assessing safety of bio-based products
* Novamont – Safety and acceptance of biobased products case studies
* SAVONIA – Methods for evaluating social acceptance
Webinar 6: Policy influence

* European Commission DG RTD – Circular Economy policies and upcoming R&I initiatives
* EUBIA – Circular policies for changing the biowaste systems (ROOTS)
¨* Madrid City Council – Madrid circular economy ambition and questions for policy
* ESPP – The European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform and the Urban Circular Bioeconomy Policy
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